Interested in knowing more about how the Culpeper build-out is coming along? This page will contain regular updates throughout the entire process.
Thank you for your passion towards this project and interest in giving in order to see all God wants to do in this community come to fruition. Click the link below to give directly towards the Culpeper Construction Project today!
Lifepoint purchased 17.6 acres of land in Culpeper for $950,000. The land was purchased entirely with cash, thanks to faithful givers like yourself!
After exploring all leasing and renovation options in the community, our team determined that new construction was the best and most economically beneficial option to provide a permanent location for the Culpeper campus.
Our team finalized the building floor plan and site plan. The site plan was later submitted to the County for permitting/review.
The County approved the site plan and issued permitting. The church held an official groundbreaking ceremony later that month.
The contractor began initial clearing and site work commenced.
Architectural drawings were submitted to the County to apply for the building permits and to the general contractor to obtain updated pricing.