One of the best ways that you can be a good steward of what God has entrusted to you is to create a personal budget and stick with it! Here is a spreadsheet that our team has created for you to download and utilize.
Or, try this free online budgeting tool from Ramsey Solutions:
There are plenty of great Biblically-sound books out there that can help you with your finances. Here are a few of our favorites.
Learn how to pay off debt and plan for your financial future with “Total Money Makeover” by Dave Rasmey.
Learn and understand the basic principle that God owns everything and then discover what He would have you do with your resources through “the Treasure Principle” by Randy Alcorn.
Whether you are struggling to get out of debt or are just looking for some best practices for stewarding your resources, there is a lot of great content available for you through Ramsey Solutions.
Partnering financially allows your generosity to travel places you may never go – advancing God’s Kingdom locally, nationally, and globally. Your giving not only meets physical and spiritual needs but develops and deploys leaders.
There are three types of financial commitments you can make to Lifepoint Church. We encourage you to partner with us in building God’s kingdom while growing in generosity. Ready to take a next step in consistent giving? We want to come alongside you in your journey.
Faith Builders commit to a monthly contribution of less than 10% of their personal income. This is a great first step of faith for those learning to embrace the principle of the tithe. This is not a place to settle, but a place to begin.
House Builders commit to tithing – giving the first ten percent of one’s income to the local church. The tithe is a principle for God’s people taught in scripture and is referenced regularly during Sunday services.
Kingdom Builders are a team of people with the spiritual gift of giving, committed to returning the tithe and bringing an offering. This team is a group of self-identified people who advance the Kingdom of God through sacrificial financial investment.