We are proud to see God use Lifepoint College to help in developing the next generation of leaders to fulfill the Great Commission, both in their time at Lifepoint Church and beyond! One of our 2022 graduates, Lauren Fessler, has already allowed God to use her through a church internship this summer.

The day of graduation, Lauren packed her car and drove to Oklahoma to begin an internship with Life.Church in Oklahoma City. Lauren began her internship with content development for their kids’ ministry, but quickly saw her experience at Lifepoint College help her shine compared to the other 70-80 interns at the church. While many other interns came from four year schools, Lauren’s breadth of experience allowed her to move around the different areas of ministry in a way her co-interns were not.

The day of graduation, Lauren packed her car and drove to Oklahoma to begin an internship with Life.Church in Oklahoma City. Lauren began her internship with content development for their kids’ ministry, but quickly saw her experience at Lifepoint College help her shine compared to the other 70-80 interns at the church. While many other interns came from four year schools, Lauren’s breadth of experience allowed her to move around the different areas of ministry in a way her co-interns were not.

Lauren Fessler